An exhibition showcasing a series of objects from the Colección Poyón
October 2014 - February 2015
Continuing the research begun for the 19th Bienal de Arte Paiz (2014), the Colección Poyón (Poyon Collection) has developed a site specific project for NuMu's space. It responds directly to the crafted arquitecture of the egg museum, it endows it of such elements which intend to evoque the classical Fabergé eggs yet through local appropriation and exotization. Located near one of the most busy and priviledged arteries of the city, NuMu is transformed into a box full of surprises and a space for researching linguistic codes. In the interior of Maya-Fabergé, one of the most emblematic and renowned voices of guatemalan humor is presented, only to be revealed the day of the opening.
For the Colección Poyón (Poyon Collection), the state of doubt (between laughing or suffering) that these narratives provoke, the language and expressive tones of the comedian lend themselves to an exploration of condescending racism and the multiple forms of passive agression that “the joke” generates in association with the local color and folklore.
As part of its latest acquisition, the Colección Poyón (Poyon Collection) exhibits “a series of jokes” that the ladino world usually enjoys, bleaches, permits and perpetuates as part of its imaginary. Similarly, the project Maya-Fabergé work will be accompanied by a selection of objects which belong to the collection and which will be strategically distributed in various locations around the Museum. In addition, as part of NuMu's public programming, a conversation among important guatemalan intellectuals will take place as well as an essential “guided tour” throughout various locations in the City, monuments, murals and other strange yet emblematic spaces, which emerge as clear examples of interests by collectors Ángel y Fernando Poyón. The route has been suggested by Rosina Cazali, the collection's advisor.
For more information on the Maya-Fabergé's opening event and its related public programs, refer to NuMu's Facebook page and to Poyón Collection's forthcoming webpage, where the public will have access to learning about the diverse treasures of the collection.
-Rosina Cazali

Tour Guiado / Maya-Fabergé En el marco de la exposición Maya-Fabergé, la Colección Poyón y el NuMu organizaron un “tour guiado” alrededor de la Ciudad de Guatemala el 15 de febrero del 2015. Liderado por Gabriel Rodríguez, el público visitó distintos puntos citadinos, monumentos, murales y otros espacios tan extraños como emblemáticos, que emergen como claros sitios de interés de la Colección Poyón.